The transmitted cultural and nationalistic values, morals and ethics, are truly the essence of any nation which makes them unique and exclusive. The permanence, relevance and practice of cultural traditions, values and mores, are social ideals that have existed for centuries are passed down to every generation. They are one of the very few things that have stood the test of time. Language is the backbone of all cultures. It is the most distinguished skill, a present and an art presented to an individual by society. We sense, impart, express, pass on, dream, and manage our day by day lives, with the guide of words that are fathomable and important to us. The skeleton of culture is deficient and can't get by without the solid help of language because of the unavoidable, uncontrollable and massive flow of foreign cultures as a result of Cultural globalization are considered as the most vital reason that is diminishing the importance of local culture and local languages.