Vol. 7 No. 3 (2024): Pakistan Journal of International Affairs


Aqsa Farzand
University of the Punjab Lahore, Pakistan

Published 2024-09-20


Globalization is not a new phenomenon to talk about. It is getting more complex and multidimensional day by day.  In recent years, from politics to the fashion industry, no social domain is now able to avoid its effects. If globalization is considered to be a positive development of the past two centuries, then is it right to say that everything that attaches to this wonder will have a positive effect too? Culture has always been considered something extremely valuable by the people it is related to. Increasing interconnectedness around the world has contributed significantly in people to know of various cultural value practices globally. This paper gives an idea of how a person’s identity is formulated. After discussing globalization and culture, this paper argues how these two domains got connected to each other and eventually played a vital role in formulating the identity of a person today. All these cultural interactions are ultimately paving the way to an identity crisis. This paper reviews both its pros and cons to get a more balanced view of cultural globalization. For this purpose, multiple sources of cultural globalization have also been discussed. This growing crisis might not be avoidable considering all the modern age advancements but what we can do is restrict its impact on our cultural identities to save both our distinct culture and identity.